


 Crown Price of Abu Dhabi seats next to girl whom her Dad is late to pick her from school, while refused to ride a car with a stranger..!!

The Islamic Qualities of a Ruler

فَبِمَا رَحْمَةٍ مِنَ اللَّهِ لِنْتَ لَهُمْ وَلَوْ كُنْتَ فَظّاً غَلِيظَ الْقَلْبِ لَانْفَضُّوا مِنْ حَوْلِكَ فَاعْفُ عَنْهُمْ وَاسْتَغْفِرْ لَهُمْ وَشَاوِرْهُمْ فِي الْأَمْرِ فَإِذَا عَزَمْتَ فَتَوَكَّلْ عَلَى اللَّهِ إِنَّ اللَّهَ يُحِبُّ الْمُتَوَكِّلِينَ – سورة آل عمران ، الآية 159

وَالَّذِينَ اسْتَجَابُوا لِرَبِّهِمْ وَأَقَامُوا الصَّلاةَ وَأَمْرُهُمْ شُورَى بَيْنَهُمْ وَمِمَّا رَزَقْنَاهُمْ يُنْفِقُونَ – سورة الشورى ، الآية : 38 ]

قال رسول الله (ص): استرشدوا العاقل ترشدوا، ولا تعصوه فتندموا – الدر المنثور ، 7/357 ، البحار 75/100

وقال (ص): المستشار مۆتمن –  مسند أحمد بن حنبل ، 5/274

وقال الإمام علي (ع) :شاور ذوي العقول تأمن الزلل والندم – غرر الحكم

قال الإمام الصادق (ع): استشر العاقل من الرجال الورع، فإنه لا يأمر إلا بخير، وإياك والخلاف فإن خلاف الورع العاقل مفسدة في الدين والدنيا – المحاسن ص602 والوسائل 8/426

وعنه (ص): من استشار أخوه فأشار عليه بغير رشده فقد خانه – مسند أحمد ، 2/321

كما قال (ص): من أراد أمراً فشاور فيه، اهتدى لأرشد الأمور – الدر المنثور ، 7/357

أقوال العلماء في حكم الشورى:

اختلف العلماء في حكم الشورى على قولين:

الأول: ذهب المالكية والأحناف إلى القول بوجوب الشورى وعمومها في كل شيء من مصالح المجتمع ابتداء من رضاعة الطفل عند اختلاف الأبوين :(وإن أرادا فصالا عن تراضٍ وتشاور فلا جناح عليهما….) وانتهاء بأمور الأمة الهامة (وأمرهم شورى بينهم.. ) قال ابن عطية في تفسيره (4/249) “الشورى من قواعد الشريعة وعزائم الأحكام، ومن لا يستشير أهل العلم والدين فعزله واجب لا اختلاف فيه).

 وقد شاور الرسول أصحابه في الحرب يوم بدر وأحد، وتشاور الصحابة في الخلافة  من بعده، وفي الحروب، وفي ميراث الجد، ونفقة المطلقة. الخ.


وقال ابن خويز منداد: “واجب على الولاة مشاورة العلماء فيما لا يعلمون وفيما أشكل عليهم من أمور الدين، وفيما يتعلق بمصالح العباد والبلاد”. انظر تفسير القرطبي  (4/250).


الثاني: ذهب الشافعية (الأم 5/18) والحنابلة (المغني 14/26) أن الشورى مستحبة للحاكم إن احتاج إلى الاجتهاد لقوله تعالى:( وشاورهم في الأمر) وإنما أُمِـر بها الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم تطييبا لنفوس أصحابه. واستدلوا بحديث معاذ بن جبل لما بعثه الرسول إلى اليمن فسأله:( بم تحكم؟ قال: بكتاب الله. قال: فإن لم تجد؟ قال: بسنة رسول الله. قال: فإن لم تجد؟ قال :اجتهد رأيي ولا آلوا. قال رسول الله: الحمد لله الذي وفق رسول رسول الله إلى ما يحب رسوله).


والذي يظهر رجحان القول الأول القائل بالوجوب، وما استدل به القائلون الآخرون غير وجيه؛ فإن حديث معاذ مختلف في إسناده.


 وعلى فرض صحته فلا دليل فيه؛ لأن المنصوص عليه في الكتاب والسنة ليس محلا للتشاور، وإنما التشاور فيما لا نص فيه وفيه للرأي مجال . والشورى جاء النص على الأمر بها كما في سورتي آل عمران والشورى.


 The Mosque


Worshipers in Juma Prayer; which should be a focus on Community concerns and alignment


 The Order


Flowers of Islam (FOI) column march towards a violent neighborhood to control riots












Islamic Political Governing System

Despite AlDoDou is not a political scientist, yet he managed to extract the principle of standard Islamic political framework.. This had not been implemented since 1200 years, due to complicated issues and factors in the Islamic states and governing bodies..

The Political framework for Islamic communities:

  1. Political Hierarchy
  2. Constituency definition
  3. Deputy definitions, roles and responsibilities
  4. Assignment framework and terms
  5. Guidelines of political debate
  6. Voting Code
  7. Public Officer definitions, roles and responsibilities
  8. Parameters of Succession
  9. Impeachments

Regretfully, all above are well structured, justified and elaborated in Islamic referrals; but most Muslims; at both ends of Epistemia are notoriously incapable to extract or implement..!!

3 thoughts on “Shura

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  1. Unmosqued..

    At the USA, Mosque-goers; Sunni, Shia, Arab, South Asian, Latino, African Americans, converts and raised, from nearly every corner of the world; are confronted with critical challenges that will inevitably change both perspectives and functions of Mosques.. currently, there is a strong growing move to advocate for new looks of the Mosques, and subsequently, other issues that would shack the belief itself.. This will sail to the traditional centers of Muslim communities.. To meet the domestic unrest and dissatisfaction.. Outcomes are greatly unknown..!!

    Engagement; A serious question about the political nature of Muslim organizations and hierarchy within.. Many of them had copied the Middle Eastern patriarchy despite the contradictive circumstances.. Unless structural reforms will rule, decline of Mosque-goers will form serious problem at all aspects and levels of participation, performance and leadership..!

    Women; Most scholars and imams have notably weak advocacy toward women’s rule, obligations and rights within the Muslim community.. This had allowed for extreme views and very radical ones as well.. Unless the Muslim women are granted rational status among their communities, the Muslim quest is jeopardized..!

    Imams; Most Imams are short to meet their job requirements.. in absence of any good criteria and governance on raising, training and awarding the Imams; the Muslim communities will eventually go apart.. Imams are the glue not only between a Muslim and his Creator swt, but also among the Muslim communities.. should an application of (Muslim HR/Leadership) to be developed..?!

    The above are greatly ignored by traditional Muslims in the Middle East, who holds the unspoken authority to endorse or forbid.. The historical changes are indispensable as critical part of Muslim epistemia and settlement..

    There is no doubt that the New Muslim Phenomenon is coming with strong momentum and potentials.. Just coming from abroad to replace the deteriorated perspectives in Tunisia, Morocco, Cairo, Damascus and Baghdad..

    As usual, Middle Eastern Muslims will never be ready to process..!


  2. The Civic State of Egypt

    I enjoy great respect to the encyclopedic personality of Dr. Tareq Heggy, who has remarkable professional, public and intellectual records.. One of his greatest achievements is his unshakable distance from any public appointments; in order to maintain his own freedom and engagements.. He marks a situation on the contrary of most intellectuals who assume their skills are the sole eligibility to manage or rule..

    This enlightening lecture; which summarizes his overall intellectual landscape and rationales; shades lots of lights on:
    •Contemporary evolution of the Egyptian State
    •Framework of the Civic State
    •Competitiveness of the Political Islam
    •Dynamics of Regional and International Politics

    Being a liberal is enough and great for the recent time zone; whereas the Egyptian public needs neutral guidance to reestablish their own state and modernize their frameworks; enabling a breakthrough towards the future..

    Being cordially attached to the foundations of Western democracies and civic order, enables to draw a roadmap for the threshold for Egyptian gears.. As once headed the conglomerate Shell-Egypt, he is will versed about international business and economies, which are essential for any visions and planning..

    Being a London resident for the last 20 years; had enabled him to continuously challenge his own capacities and epistemic contents, apart from any oppressions or obsession.. Yet, the professional contacts had enabled him greater marketing and intellectual engagements, which adequately fuel his energy, exposures and productivity..

    Although, I do disagree with him on the positioning of Islam in the Civic State; yet I understands his source of misalignment; which condemns both capacity and eligibility of Today’s Muslims to intellectually discover and executively draw a roadmap for rational implementations..


  3. Islamic Public Spaces..

    In a response to a discussion on Religion (Islam) in Urban Public Spaces; launched on Linked-in by Nadia Qureshi; Architect, Urban Planner and Urban Designer, Pakistan

    I would like your comments on the said topic. You can look at it from any point of view. To guide the discussion, i have raised a few questions.
    Do religious beliefs and practices change the way that public spaces are designed and used in Muslim countries?
    How is the meaning of a public space interpreted in Religious countries?
    Can public spaces remain inclusive (i.e. include people from other reliogions, male female, etc) and lively?
    Does urbanization effect the construction of (sacred) places or religious practices in a city within a religious country?
    How can urbanization and the design of good public spaces be used as a tool to fight extremism in religious countries?

    The public do not draw public spaces, but get inspired by.. This is a role; which often goes reversed.. The global noise on democracy and rights of expression had confused many urban planner and city managers; who perform in response to public trends and likeliness.. Yes, people should have a say in issues that materialize their life, but when it comes to spiritual and inspiration, people inevitably look around for leaders of thought, and leaders of actions.. Public spaces in all cities were not a demand of the public, but ideas had the strength and resilience of their inventors; whom often are politicians and public servants.. Even today, the massiveness of Kazakh or Chechen capitals were decisions made by leaders not by any public visionaries..

    Therefore, religions, as correctly commented earlier are personal packages, not a public one.. Therefore, their implications on drawing the public spaces is supposedly limited.. If the community is driven by totality or suppressive ruling powers, which would happen to be religious; then we have an issue to define.. Nevertheless, urban outcomes from such authorities will be in parallel to the local taste of religion rather than the overall mythical or theological concepts..

    Practically speaking; the Malls in Western Christian cities are political rather than religious, except in some old cities, where were part of public media and influences.. The Courts in Islamic cities are mostly deserteous, without soft landscape, except in equatorial cities and Spain.. In both examples, funds, acquisitions and authorities were not short.. In both examples, the phenomenon has little to do with public orientation, as was mostly inspired, planned and maintained by managers.. Yet, the implications of public characteristics of discipline, aesthetics and coherence are notable and dominating..

    This will eventually takes us back to the most critical elements of the urban business: Training and Governance..

    How far both Urban Planners and Designers are well-trained to deliver the intended service.. Is it only a degree with some graphic skills, or true competences to define, innovate and deliver a better built environment for living..

    How the Civic Bodies are functioning and truly in-command.. Are they sincere obedient to politicians in-powers who would instruct “stupid” changes to meet their personal favorites, interests and benefits.. or they have their independent and “public” powers to support the righteousness..

    A great dilemmas; which are not Islamic, nor un-Islamic.. it is life..
    Thanks for the inspiring discussion..


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